This Started in Mid-January


Wow - I'm just starting this blog now, but I kind of wish I'd started it January 10th - because that's the day my husband tested positive at work with Covid.  Seven days later, on January 17th, I tested positive on a "home test kit".

Actually, I knew I was going to get it because my husband had it.  And, of course, we kind of hang around together, right?  Well, on the night of the 16th I woke up feeling as though I'd been beaten all over my body with a baseball bat.  I tested positive in the morning.

My husband had what he described as flu like symptoms.  Achy, cough, congestion, sinuses clogged, etc.  Me - I started out with the soreness, as mentioned, but I also had a slight fever that one night.  No fever after that.  I'd had a bit of a "sore windpipe" - it felt irritated or red inside a few days before the 17th and, of course afterwards as well - that sore windpipe and a cough was about the extent of my problems until around the end of January when all hell broke loose.

My husband was feeling almost normal, with the exception (to this day) of fatigue.

I am not going to discount his ordeal as "nothing", by the way.  It most certainly was "something" - but I'm writing this blog to chronicle my own journey with this insidious disease.

This disease, I believe, I KNOW is a man-made "virus" that Dr. Anthony Fauci was highly involved in the making of and subsequent release of into the environment of the world.  I KNOW the Chinese government hates anything that isn't China and it's not too fond of its citizens either, as events have proven.  The leader of China is a power-hungry narcissistic asshole - just like many leaders of many countries - our own U.S. of A. included.  Especially Joe Biden and the Democrat party as well as many asshole Republicans.  "The Swamp".  

No, I'm not a Q-Anon person.  I'm not even sure what they are, except I guess extremists and conspiracy theorists. Who idolized Donald Trump.

Hey. I voted for Donald Trump.  I sure as hell wasn't going to vote for that self-absorbed, nasty nasty (pro-abortion) Democrat woman.  Doesn't mean I love Donald Trump.  

I quite think he's a narcissist too - and crude - and rather disgusting as a man.  But he proved to be a good president in my opinion - and entertaining.  He isn't an idiot and he "shoots from the hip" when he speaks.  I like that.  Doesn't mean I like everything he says, but I respect his right to say it.  And a lot of what he says I DO like and some of what he says is funny as all-get-out.

Okay.  Enough politics - I'll try not to talk too much politics in my posts - but it may seep in here and there.  We are living in political times, after all.  Politics and money are a big reason we all got Covid or are getting Covid or are getting "long haul Covid" - despite being vaxxed OR unvaxxed. 

I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" - I believe in certain vaccines - but not many of them anymore.  I certainly don't believe in the efficacy of the Covid "vaccine" though.  In fact, I think it's deadly.  As is the virus.


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