Emergency Room Visit #1
Saturday, the 29th, My hubs and I were just chatting about memories of our kids and I got very emotional. I suddenly felt chest pains and tightness.
I asked my husband to fetch the BP monitor cuff. I thought it was going to be high.
(I'd been treated for high blood pressure about five months earlier and after one month on Losartan, I managed to lose 10# and my blood pressure went down to normal. I got off the Losartan in October.)
So I took my BP and it was very low! I took it several times for the rest of the night and it stayed in the 90's/60's. Very low for me! Lowest was 92/61 that night.
In the morning it was low still, but went up to what most people would consider "normal" 120/70 - but that was still lower than my BP had been (although not "high").
I continued feeling dizzy and adding that to the fatigue and drop in blood pressure, cough and windpipe soreness, I decided I needed to make sure I wasn't getting Covid pneumonia and asked my husband to take me to the Emergency Room.
This is where I tell you that from the 20th until about the 27th I'd been taking Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and a Z-pack prescribed to me by America's Front Line Doctors for Covid - I think they now call themselves FLCCC. I also supplemented on my own with Quercetin 500mg twice a day...and I'd "taken turns" with taking Ibuprofen and Naproxen for my headaches and soreness. I also had been on two regularly prescribed medicines pre-Covid: Prozac for general anxiety disorder and Ambien for insomnia.
So the doctor at the emergency room near us, Dr. Hart, came in and never so much as touched me or looked in my eyes or ears or listened to my heart. He came in "double masked" and leaned against the counter and lectured to me about how dangerous "those drugs" can be taken in high doses. (I told him what meds I was taking.) He recited the same ol' talking points you've heard from CNN to Anthony Fauci and Jen Psaki. He did order a chest x-ray and a prescription for Prednisone for the windpipe irritation, but I didn't have pneumonia.
Good. All I wanted to know. Jump up my butt Dr. Hart.
That was the 30th of January that I went to Dr. Hart at the Emergency Room.